The Infinite Histories of Mothers
The Infinite Histories of Mothers

81” x 72” | Acrylic, canvas, cradled panel, found heirlooms, cheap gems, glitter, 3 dimensional paint | 2018


84” x 48” x 22” | Acrylic, lego, plastic tubing, laundry, laundry basket | 2018


48” x 36” | Acrylic, graphite, colored pencil, sequins, on canvas | 2018


24” x 20” | Acrylic, graphite, precious gems and junk, on cradled panel | 2018

Husband Stitch
Husband Stitch

60” x 48” and 19” x 15” | Acrylic, thread, on stretched canvas, acrylic, collage, cradled panel, graphite, thread, unstretched canvas | 2012-2018

Unfinished Blob
Unfinished Blob

30” x 24” | Acrylic, graphite, glitter, canvas on cradled panel | 2018

Sweet (be)
Sweet (be)

58” x 36” | Painting scraps, wood, acrylic, glitter, collage | 2018

Pedestal Afterbirth
Pedestal Afterbirth

7” x 24” x 11” | Acrylic, latex, canvas, wood, blender part, resin, rags, cloth, copper | 2016-2018

Installation view
Installation view

Unfinished Blob and Husband Stitch

Installation view from Rips
Installation view from Rips
Detail view from Rips
Detail view from Rips
Entangled Blobs
Entangled Blobs

Acrylic, graphite, charcoal, on Arches paper

The Infinite Histories of Mothers
Husband Stitch
Unfinished Blob
Sweet (be)
Pedestal Afterbirth
Installation view
Installation view from Rips
Detail view from Rips
Entangled Blobs
The Infinite Histories of Mothers

81” x 72” | Acrylic, canvas, cradled panel, found heirlooms, cheap gems, glitter, 3 dimensional paint | 2018


84” x 48” x 22” | Acrylic, lego, plastic tubing, laundry, laundry basket | 2018


48” x 36” | Acrylic, graphite, colored pencil, sequins, on canvas | 2018


24” x 20” | Acrylic, graphite, precious gems and junk, on cradled panel | 2018

Husband Stitch

60” x 48” and 19” x 15” | Acrylic, thread, on stretched canvas, acrylic, collage, cradled panel, graphite, thread, unstretched canvas | 2012-2018

Unfinished Blob

30” x 24” | Acrylic, graphite, glitter, canvas on cradled panel | 2018

Sweet (be)

58” x 36” | Painting scraps, wood, acrylic, glitter, collage | 2018

Pedestal Afterbirth

7” x 24” x 11” | Acrylic, latex, canvas, wood, blender part, resin, rags, cloth, copper | 2016-2018

Installation view

Unfinished Blob and Husband Stitch

Installation view from Rips
Detail view from Rips
Entangled Blobs

Acrylic, graphite, charcoal, on Arches paper

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